About Us

Every stone is carefully chosen through a process of nonverbal communication, to make sure the stones we collect are meant to move through our hands to yours.

After the collecting process, we cleanse each stone in a salt water bath.  Each stone is cleared with Pranic Healing and activated to find the person that will benefit most.

Meet Our Crystal Family



Lance has been dubbed the “Crystal Wizard” because of his INTUITIVE relationship with crystals, as well as his avid KNOWLEDGE and LOVE for the crystals he selects for this site. It is highly important to him to  know where they come from, how they grew, as well as their metaphysical properties.  


In 2013, Lance was experiencing an identity crisis due to the LOSS of his girlfriend who had just passed away from cancer. During this time, he had been introduced to crystals for HEALING and soon realized the crystal business represented something that he was PASSIONATE about. Working with crystals was his “CALLING” and exactly what he needed to help him heal and grow.


Today, we OFFER a variety of HIGH-QUALITY crystals from PERSONALLY selected vendors for their customers.  They share the same interest in CRYSTALS, meditation, yoga, and a plant-based lifestyle. Lance is a  Pranic HEALER which is a large part of his SPIRITUAL practice.  His future GOAL is to create a home that is SELF-SUSTAINABLE where retreats can be held.



Come delve into the elemental world with our family and DISCOVER the Alchemist WITHIN YOU.